Seed Mixes

If your area is too large to plant plugs or pots, these mixes will help you create some prairie habitat more economically. They have been designed to provide lots of diversity with 50% wildflowers in the prairie mixes and 70% flowers in Part Shade/Woodland Mix.


Creating a native plant community from seed is a long-term investment. Using our original prairie species, you can create a beautiful & diverse natural landscape that returns year after year. It is not as simple as Mother Nature makes it look though. Planning, preparation & maintenance are important for successful establishment. And patience is required since it takes minimally 3-4 years for the community to establish.

Please download the Planting & Seeding Guide for instructions on planning, preparation, seeding & maintenance.

Short Butterfly Prairie Mix

For Dry to Moist Soil 1' - 3' Tall

There are lots of host and nectar plants in this mix. The many beautiful flowers from spring to fall provide food for butterflies. Sandy or loam soil is best.


Black-eyed Susan
Blue Eyed Grass
Cutleaf Anemone
Dotted Blazing Star
Dwarf Milkweed
Heartleaf Alexander
Long Fruited Anemone
Low Goldenrod
Many Flowered Aster
Meadow Blazing Star
Pasture Sage
Philadelphia Fleabane
Prairie Coneflower
Prairie Sage
Purple Prairie Clover
Showy Goldenrod
Smooth Aster
Upland White Aster
Western Silvery Aster
White Cinquefoil
White Prairie Clover
Whorled Milkweed
Wild Bergamot
Wild Flax
Sheep Fescue
June Grass
Little Bluestem
Side Oats Grama
Blue Grama


Seed Mix Prices

 Area Covered

20 sq.m.
(215 sq.ft.)

100 sq.m.
(1,076 sq.ft.)

500 sq.m.
(5,380 sq.ft.)


28 grams

140 grams

700 grams

 Short Butterfly Prairie Mix 




Tall Butterfly Prairie Mix

For Sun & Medium to Moist Soil 3' to 5' Tall

This mix evokes the Tall Grass Prairie that once covered part of southern Manitoba.

The plants evolved here so they do fine on our clay soil. Fall seeding is best on clay.


Black Eyed Susan
Blue Vervain
Canada Anemone
Closed Gentian
Culver's Root
False Sunflower
Giant Hyssop
Golden Alexander
Heartleaf Alexander
Joe Pye
Long Fruited Anemone
Many Flowered Aster
Meadow Blazing Star
Narrowleaf Sunflower
New England Aster
Purple Prairie Clover
Prairie Sage
Smooth Aster
Stiff Goldenrod
Swamp Milkweed
Tall Coneflower
Wild Bergamot
Wild Mint
Big Bluestem
Green Needle Grass
Awned Wheatgrass
Canada Wild Rye


Seed Mix Prices

 Area Covered

20 sq.m.
(215 sq.ft.)

100 sq.m.
(1,076 sq.ft.)

500 sq.m.
(5,380 sq.ft.)


28 grams

140 grams

700 grams

 Tall Butterfly Prairie Mix 




Wet Prairie Mix

For Sun & Moist to Wet Soil 3' to 5' Tall

For low areas a little wetter than normal, these species do very well. They tolerate wet feet as well as dry periods between rains. The beautiful flowers attract lots of birds, butterflies and beneficial bugs too. Excellent for medium to heavy clay soils.


Black Eyed Susan
Blue Vervain
Closed Gentian
Culver's Root
Flat Top Goldenrod
Flat Top White Aster
Golden Alexander
Joe Pye
Narrowleaf Sunflower
New England Aster
Northern Bedstraw
Northern Bog Violet
Obedient Plant
Stiff Goldenrod
Swamp Milkweed
Wild Iris
Wild Mint
Tufted Hairgrass
Big Bluestem
Bebb's Sedge


Seed Mix Prices

 Area Covered

20 sq.m.
(215 sq.ft.)

100 sq.m.
(1,076 sq.ft.)

500 sq.m.
(5,380 sq.ft.)


28 grams

140 grams

700 grams

 Wet Prairie Mix 




Part Shade / Woodland Mix

If you don't have enough sun for a prairie, this mix will do much better. All species thrive in part shade with a few hours of sun daily. It is best for rich, medium to moist soil. Not recommended for dry, sandy soil.


Blue Eyed Grass
Blue Vervain
Canada Anemone
Closed Gentian
Culver's Root
Cutleaf Anemone
False Sunflower
Flat Top White Aster
Fringed Aster
Giant Hyssop
Golden Alexander
Joe Pye
Long Fruited Anemone
New England Aster
Northern Bedstraw
Obedient Plant
Philadelphia Fleabane
Pearly Everlasting
Smooth Aster
Sweet Scented Bedstraw
Tall Coneflower
Western Canada Violet
White Cinquefoil
Wild Columbine
Giant Wild Rye
Purple Oat Grass
Awned Wheatgrass
Canada Wild Rye
Big Bluestem


Seed Mix Prices

Area Covered

20 sq.m.
(215 sq.ft.)

100 sq.m.
(1,076 sq.ft.)

500 sq.m.
(5,380 sq.ft.)


28 grams

140 grams

700 grams

Part Shade / Woodland Mix



SOLD OUT until Fall 2025


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Prairie Originals - Native Prairie Plants and Seeds
Box 25, Grp. 310, RR 3, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada R1A 2A8
Phone 204-785-9799   Email