GIANT HYSSOP Agastache foeniculum Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 60 - 90 cm (2 - 3 ft) Bloom Time: July to August Colour: Purple Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NWT Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, hummingbirds, skippers, moths, honey bees, long horned bees, bumble bees, small resin bees, leaf cutter bees, bee flies, soldier beetles
Description: Anise scented leaves are delightful for tea or in salads - 3" - 4" flower spikes - Longblooming - Goldfinches and other birds love the seeds - Excellent cut and dried flower - Deer resistant. Good for many pollinators including bees, butterflies and sometimes hummingbirds. Also known as: Anise Hyssop
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $14.00 |
25g $44.00 |
(80,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
PINK ONION Allium stellatum Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 15 - 30 cm (0.5 - 1 ft) Bloom Time: August Colour: Pink Spacing: 15 cm (0.5 ft) Native Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, leaf cutter bees, small resin bees, sweat bees, bumble bees, honey bees, cellophane bees, syrphid flies (flower flies), soldier beetles, tumbling flower beetles
Description: Pretty, ball shaped clusters of pink flowers - Fine onion type leaves can be used for flavouring - Great for prairie meadows - Reseeds easily. Deer and rabbit resistant.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
(9,500 seeds/25g) |
Seed Sold Out for 2025.
Back to Top
PEARLY EVERLASTING Anaphalis margaritacea Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 30 - 60 cm (1 -2 ft) Bloom Time: July to September Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT
Description: Soft silvery leaves are a nice contrast with other plants - Dry flowers for bouquets - Food plant for Painted Lady butterfly caterpillars - Spreads slowly.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
Back to Top
CANADA ANEMONE Anemone canadensis Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft) Bloom Time: June Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS, PEI, NL, NWT Pollinator Interactions: Mining bees, small carpenter bees, sweat bees, green sweat bees, yellow faced bees, beetles, syrphid flies
Description: Tall groundcover with large, showy flowers on lush looking plants - Spreads easily by roots to fill an area - Combine with other aggressive or larger plants - Deer resistant.
Sizes & Prices Not Available for Spring Pre-order
4.5" pots
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $15.00 |
25g $44.00 |
100g $132.00 |
(7,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
CUTLEAF ANEMONE Anemone multifida Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 20 - 40 cm (0.7 - 1.3 ft) Bloom Time: June Colour: Pink Spacing: 15 cm (0.5 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT Pollinator Interactions: Bees, honey bees, bumble bees
Description: A very pretty little plant with bright pink, almost red flowers - Seedheads look like little golf balls and later become balls of fluff.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $8.00 |
Back to Top
WILD COLUMBINE Aquilegia canadensis Sun: Full Sun or Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 45 - 90 cm (1.5 - 3 ft) Bloom Time: June Colour: Red and Yellow Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON, QC, NB Pollinator Interactions: sweat bees, bumble bees, honey bees, hummingbirds, owlet moths, skippers, sphinx moths, hawk moths
Description: Hummingbirds love to visit this unusual flower for nectar - Has a yellow inner flower and an elegantly spurred outer flower - Short-lived but reseeds easily.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed Seed Sold Out for 2025.
Packet $4.25
(34,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
SWAMP MILKWEED Asclepias incarnata Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 90 - 120 cm (3 - 4 ft) Bloom Time: July Colour: Pink Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, honey bees, yellow faced bees, bumble bees, sweat bees, green sweat bees, small resin bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, wasps, yellow jackets, potter wasps, ants, green bottle flies, tachinid flies, bee flies, syrphid flies, parasitic flies, soldier flies, thick headed flies, moths, blister beetles, soldier beetles, hummingbirds, skippers
Description: Many, large clusters of fragrant flowers make this a magnificent plant - Host for the beautiful black, yellow and white striped Monarch butterfly caterpillars. Flowers are a good nectar source for all butterflies. Deer resistant. Good for many pollinators including bees and butterflies.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $14.00 |
25g $42.00 |
100g $127.00 |
(4,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
DWARF MILKWEED Asclepias ovalifolia Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft) Bloom Time: July Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON Pollinator Interactions: bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, ants
Description: A well-behaved milkweed in the garden - Very fragrant - Host plant for Monarch butterfly caterpillars - Somewhat slow to establish. Deer and rabbit resistant. Good for many pollinators including bees and butterflies.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
XL 4 Packs |
$19.25 |
$145/ tray of 32 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $24.00 |
Back to Top
CANADA MILKVETCH Astragalus canadensis Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 60 - 90 cm (2 - 3 ft) Bloom Time: July Colour: Cream/Greenish White Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NWT Pollinator Interactions: bees, butterflies, hummingbirds
Description: Dense clusters of fragrant flowers - A legume that spreads slowly by roots - Lots of nectar for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds - Host for Silvery and Western Tailed Blue butterfly caterpillars – Attractive foliage.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed Seed in packet size only in 2025.
Packet $4.25
Back to Top
FIREWEED Chamerion angustifolium ssp.angustifolium
Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 90 - 150 cm (3 - 5 ft) Bloom Time: July Colour: Pink Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NS, NL, YT, NWT, NU Pollinator Interactions: bees, hummingbirds
Description: Large spikes of bright pink flowers - Spreads easily by roots and seed - This pioneer plant grows quickly at first but disappears in a few years with competition - Floral emblem of the Yukon - Hummingbirds come for nectar. Good for bees.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Back to Top
TURTLEHEAD Chelone glabra Sun: Full Sun or Shade Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 60 - 90 cm (2 - 3 ft) Bloom Time: August Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, Newfoundland Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, hummingbirds, long horned bees
Description: A rare, native snapdragon - Squeeze the flower and the turtle opens its mouth - The only host for Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly caterpillars - Deer resistant. Very interesting to watch bees crawl into the turtle’s mouth in search of food.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $10.00 |
(82,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
WHITE PRAIRIE CLOVER Dalea candida Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Dry to Medium Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft) Bloom Time: July Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB, ON Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, butterflies, skippers, sphinx moths, hawk moths, flower flies, blow flies, parasitic flies, thick headed flies, crabronid wasps
Description: Fragrant flowers are similar to purple prairie clover - More common in drier areas - Birds and butterflies come for seed and nectar - Good for fresh and dry bouquets - A legume. Excellent for pollinators.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $9.00 |
25g $26.00 |
100g $77.00 |
(17,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER Dalea purpurea Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Dry to Medium Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft) Bloom Time: July Colour: Purple Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB, ON Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, skippers, cellophane bees, green sweat bees, bumble bees, leaf cutter bees, cuckoo bees, honey bees, miner bees, digger bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, syrphid flies (flower flies), bee flies, flesh flies, thick-headed flies, blister beetles, leaf beetles, soldier beetles, crabronid wasps, yellow jacket, potter wasps
Description: The glowing purple colour, bright orange pollen and unusual flower shape make this a favourite - Provides butterfly nectar and seed for birds - Excellent for fresh and dry bouquets - A legume. Excellent for pollinators.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25 |
5g $6.00 |
25g $17.00 |
100g $53.00 |
(13,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
FLAT TOP WHITE ASTER Doellingeria umbellata Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 90 - 120 cm (3 - 4 ft) Bloom Time: August to September Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB, ON, QC Pollinator Interactions: bees
Description: The plants are crowned with large, stately clusters of flowers in late summer - Host for Harris Checkerspot butterfly caterpillars. Asters are an important fall food source for bees.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $14.00 |
25g $42.00 |
Back to Top
PHILADELPHIA FLEABANE Erigeron philadelphicus Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 30 - 45 cm (1 - 1.5 ft) Bloom Time: July Colour: Mauve Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT
Description: Covered with loads of enchanting daisies with yellow centers - Fleabanes resemble Asters but have many more florets, usually over 50 - They also bloom earlier than Asters - Reseeds.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $11.00 |
25g $35.00 |
100g $104.00 |
Back to Top
JOE PYE Eupatorium maculatum Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 100 - 150 cm (3 - 5 ft) Bloom Time: August Colour: Pink Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, bumble bees, cuckoo bees, leaf cutter bees
Description: Fluffy pink flowers in cluster up to 15 cm across - A Top Ten nectar plant for butterflies - Prefers moist areas - A nice, bushy specimen plant - Deer resistant. Good for many pollinators including butterflies and bees.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $11.00 |
25g $35.00 |
100g $104.00 |
(49,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
FLAT TOP GOLDENROD Euthamia graminifolia Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 30 - 60 cm Bloom Time: August Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 cm Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, NWT Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, miner bees, digger bees, bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, bee flies, blow flies, flesh flies, flower flies, muscid flies, parasitic flies, picture winged flies, scathophagid flies, thick headed flies, blister beetles, checkered beetles, leaf beetles, crabronid wasps, yellow jackets, potter wasps, dark winged fungus gnats, mosquitoes, owlet moths, skippers
Description: Cluster of flowers in flat heads - A fine textured goldenrod with small narrow leaves and spreading roots - Attracts butterflies for nectar – Deer resistant. Goldenrods are an important fall food source for bees.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $13.00 |
25g $40.00 |
(200,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
WILD STRAWBERRY Fragaria glauca Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 15 - 20 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT, NU Pollinator Interactions: flies, miner bees, bumble bees, honey bees, cuckoo bees, digger bees, leaf cutter bees, sweat bees, mason bees, yellow faced bees, soldier flies, bee flies, flesh flies, flower flies, thick headed flies, blow flies, parasitic flies, ichneumonid wasps, braconid wasps, yellow jackets, potter wasps, butterflies, owlet moths, skippers, sphinx moths, hawk moths
Description: Fast spreading groundcover with running stems that root at the tips - Small but sweet, juicy fruit.
Sizes & Prices
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Back to Top
NORTHERN BEDSTRAW Galium boreale Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 20 - 50 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NU Pollinator Interactions: miner bees, digger bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, ants, blow flies, flower flies, leaf beetles, checkered beetles, sphinx moths, hawk moths, butterflies
Description: Sweetly scented panicles of flowers brighten up the summer landscape - Spreads by the roots but a little slow to establish - A good medium size groundcover – Deer resistant.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Back to Top
CLOSED GENTIAN Gentiana andrewsii Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 30 - 80 cm Bloom Time: August Colour: Blue Spacing: 25 cm Native Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON, QC Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees
Description: A gorgeous plant with cluster of brilliant blue flowers that never open up - Only bumblebees can get inside for nectar - Also called Bottle Gentian.
Sizes & Prices |
4.5" Pots - $11.75 |
Back to Top
NARROWLEAF SUNFLOWER Helianthus maximiliani Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 90 - 175 cm (3 - 6 ft) Bloom Time: August Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB Pollinator Interactions: honey bees, bumble bees, long horned bees, sweat bees, miner bees, digger bees, cuckoo bees, beetles, syrphid (flower) flies, bee flies
Description: Large bushy plants with many flowers - Adds lots of colour to the August landscape - Goldfinches love to eat the seeds - Reseeds - Deer resistant. Attracts a wide variety of pollinators. Host for Silvery Checkerspot caterpillars.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $17.00 |
25g $59.00 |
100g $180.00 |
(11,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
FALSE SUNFLOWER Heliopsis helianthoides Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 60 - 100 cm (2 - 3 ft) Bloom Time: July to August Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NL Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, leaf cutter bees, long horned bees, bumble bees, green sweat bees, small carpenter bees, cuckoo bees, honey bees, clear wing moths, soldier beetles, ground beetles, syrphid flies, bee flies
Description: Masses of brilliant, deep yellow flowers. Fast and easy to grow. Long-blooming. Excellent cut flower. Reseeds quite heavily. Birds love the seeds. Deer resistant.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $9.00 |
25g $26.00 |
100g $77.00 |
(5,600 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
HELENIUM Helenium autumnale Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 30 - 80 cm (1 - 2.5 ft) Bloom Time: August Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NWT Pollinator Interactions: honey bees, bumble bees, leaf cutter bees
Description: Masses of showy flowers on fast growing plants - Host for Dainty Sulphur butterfly caterpillars - Great for cut flowers – Deer resistant. Good for bees. Also known as: Sneezeweed.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $8.00 |
25g $25.00 |
100g $76.00 |
(90,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
ALUMROOT Heuchera richardsonii Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 30 - 50 cm (1 - 1.7 ft) Bloom Time: June Colour: Beige Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, NWT Pollinator Interactions: sweat bees, green sweat bees, miner bees, bumble bees, digger bees, honey bees, yellow faced bees, hummingbirds
Description: A versatile plant for sun or shade and dry to moist soil - The scalloped evergreen leaves form nice clumps - Nice for borders or for mixing in prairies – Deer resistant.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $25.00 |
25g $76.00 |
Back to Top
MEADOW BLAZING STAR Liatris ligulistylis Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 45 - 70 cm Bloom Time: August Colour: Pink Spacing: 20 cm Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, hummingbirds, skippers, bumble bees, green sweat bees, leaf cutter bees, honey bees, syrphid (flower) flies, bee flies, muscid flies
Description: Bright flower spikes punctuate the landscape - Great for cut & dried flowers - A butterfly magnet for nectar - Hummingbirds also come for nectar - Goldfinches and other birds come for the seed. A slender plant so space about 6" - 8" apart – Deer resistant. Attracts a wide variety of pollinators.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $11.00 |
25g $32.00 |
100g $96.00 |
(8,900 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
PRAIRIE LILY Lilium philadelphicum Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 20 - 50 cm Bloom Time: Late June Colour: Orange Spacing: 20 cm Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, hummingbirds, skippers, sweat bees
Description: Striking flowers on small plants - Floral emblem of Saskatchewan - Blooming size plants are 3-4 years old.
Due to the presence in Manitoba of the red lily beetle, an invasive insect species, we will no longer ship lilies west of Manitoba.
Sizes & Prices |
4.5" pots - $11.75 |
Back to Top
WILD MINT Mentha arvensis villosa Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft) Bloom Time: July to August Colour: Pale Blue Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, NWT, YT Pollinator Interactions: small bees, flies, wasps
Description: Spreads vigorously by the roots - Can use to make tea or flavour drinks, sauces, jellies, salads and new potatoes. Deer and rabbit resistant. Attracts a variety of small pollinators.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Back to Top
WILD BERGAMOT Monarda fistulosa Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 60 - 90 cm (2 - 3 ft) Bloom Time: July Colour: Pink Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NWT Pollinator Interactions: long horned bees, cuckoo bees, green sweat bees, wool carder bees, small resin bees, leaf cutter bees, sweat bees, honey bees, bumble bees, miner bees, digger bees, mason bees, yellow faced bees, butterflies, skippers, sphinx moths, hawk moths, bee flies, flower flies, thick headed flies, hummingbirds, braconid wasps, soldier beetles, yellow jackets, potter wasps
Description: Large, showy flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds - Spreads to form attractive clumps - Aromatic leaves can be used for tea and seasoning - Deer and rabbit resistant. Excellent for bees. Also known as: Monarda, Bee Balm.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $18.00 |
25g $57.00 |
100g $171.00 |
(62,000 seeds/25g) |
Back to Top
STIFF GOLDENROD Oligoneuron rigidum var.rigidum Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 40 - 75 cm (1.3 - 2.5 ft) Bloom Time: August Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB, ON Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, skippers, owlet moths, mining bees, leaf cutter bees, yellow faced bees, honey bees, small carpenter bees, long horned bees, sweat bees, green sweat bees, bumble bees, digger bees, cuckoo bees, mason bees, thick headed flies, ichneumonid wasps, blister beetles, leaf beetles, shining flower beetles, soldier beetles, syrphid (flower) flies, bee flies, tachinid flies, blow flies, flesh flies, minute black scavenger flies, muscid flies, parasitic flies, picture winged flies, scathophagid flies, soldier flies, yellow jackets, potter wasps
Description: Butterflies love this beautiful flower for nectar - Birds love the seeds too - Thrives in dry to moist soil - Goldenrods DO NOT cause hayfever - Reseeds easily - Deer and rabbit resistant. Goldenrods are an important fall food source for bees.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $7.00 |
25g $21.00 |
100g $64.00 |
(24,000 seeds/25g) |
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BLACK-EYED SUSAN Rudbeckia hirta Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 30 - 60 cm (1 - 2 ft) Bloom Time: July Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, skippers, bee flies, syrphid (flower) flies, fruit flies, blow flies, flesh flies, muscid flies, parasitic flies, picture winged flies, soldier flies, thick headed flies, blister beetles, checkered beetles, leaf beetles, honey bees, bumble bees, long horned bees, leaf cutter bees, cuckoo bees, small carpenter bees, sweat bees, green sweat bees, miner bees, digger bees, mason bees, yellow faced bees, yellow jackets, potter wasps, braconid wasps, crabronid wasps, owlet moths
Description: Bright and showy flowers - Blooms the first summer from plugs - A Top Ten nectar plant for butterflies - Lives 2-3 years but reseeds easily - Great cut flower – Deer and rabbit resistant.
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Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $9.00 |
25g $28.00 |
100g $84.00 |
(82,000 seeds/25g) |
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TALL CONEFLOWER Rudbeckia laciniata Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 100 - 200 cm Bloom Time: Late July to August Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 - 60 cm Native Range in Canada: BC, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS
Description: A striking plant because it grows up to 2 metres (6 feet) where moisture is good - Spreads by roots - Host for Silver Checkerspot caterpillars.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $11.00 |
25g $35.00 |
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BLUE-EYED GRASS Sisyrinchium montanum Sun: Full Sun to Part Shade Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 15 - 30 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: Blue/Purple Spacing: 15 cm Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, flower flies, sweat bees
Description: Loads of star shaped, bright blue flowers make this plant a showstopper - Not a grass but part of the Iris family - Reseeds easily - Also called Star Grass.
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Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed Seed in packet size only in 2025.
Packet $4.25
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MANY FLOWERED ASTER Symphyotrichum ericoides Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 20 - 60 cm (0.7 - 2 ft) Bloom Time: August to September Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm (2 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NWT Pollinator Interactions: miner bees, digger bees, bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, bee flies, flesh flies, flower flies, muscid flies, parasitic flies, leaf beetles, soldier beetles, butterflies, yellow jackets, potter wasps
Description: Masses of tiny flowers cover the branches in late summer - Great with Smooth Aster and Stiff Goldenrod - Reseeds easily - Host for Pearl Crescent butterfly caterpillars. Asters are an important fall food source for bees. Also known as: White Heath Aster.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $6.00 |
25g $17.00 |
100g $52.00 |
(114,000 seeds/25g) |
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SMOOTH ASTER Symphyotrichum laeve var.laeve Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 60 - 120 cm (2 - 4 ft) Bloom Time: August to September Colour: Purple Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB,YT Pollinator Interactions: miner bees, digger bees, bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, butterflies, bee flies, blow flies, flesh flies, flower flies, muscid flies, parasitic flies, thick headed flies, crabronid wasps, yellow jackets, potter wasps, leaf beetles, owlet moths, skippers
Description: Abundant flowers add colour to fall landscapes - Adapts to a wide variety of sites - Host for Pearl Crescent butterfly caterpillars - Reseeds easily. Asters are an important fall food source for bees.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $9.00 |
(31,000 seeds/25g) |
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NEW ENGLAND ASTER Symphyotrichum novae-angliae Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 75 - 120 cm (2.5 - 4 ft) Bloom Time: August to September Colour: Pink/Purple Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, moths, mining bees, honey bees, small carpenter bees, leaf cutter bees, bumble bees, long horned bees, cuckoo bees, green sweat bees, bee flies, syrphid flies, soldier beetles
Description: Masses of showy pink/purple flowers with orange centers cover the top of this plant - One of the Top Ten nectar plants for butterflies - Reseeds easily – Deer and rabbit resistant. Asters are an important fall food source for bees.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $12.00 |
25g $36.00 |
100g $108.00 |
(40,000 seeds/25g) |
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TALL MEADOW RUE Thalictrum dasycarpum Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 100 - 150 cm Bloom Time: July Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, YT
Description: Large panicles of showy flowers on bushy plants - Bluish-green leaves - The plant is tall and slender when young and gets much fatter as it gets older - Long lived - Reseeds.
Sizes & Prices
4.5" pots
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 |
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BLUE VERVAIN Verbena hastata Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 90 - 130 cm (3 - 4 ft) Bloom Time: July to August Colour: Purple Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS Pollinator Interactions: sweat bees, green sweat bees, small carpenter bees, bumble bees, long horned bees, leaf cutter bees, cuckoo bees, honey bees, verbena bees, butterflies, skippers, wasps, syrphid flies, bee flies
Description: Fast-growing and long-blooming - The many clusters of gorgeous purple spikes seem to glow in the sunshine - Lives a few years and reseeds easily on moist soil – Deer resistant.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $7.00 |
25g $21.00 |
100g $63.00 |
(83,000 seeds/25g) |
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IRONWEED Vernonia fasciculata Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 90 - 150 cm Bloom Time: August Colour: Purple Spacing: 30 cm Native Range in Canada: MB Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, skippers, syrphid flies, soldier beetles, long horned bees, honey bees, green sweat bees, bumble bees, leaf cutter bees
Description: Fluffy looking flowers in flat heads at the top of the plant - Rare in Manitoba - Nectar plant for butterflies and host for Painted Lady butterfly caterpillars – Deer resistant. Good for many pollinators including bees and butterflies.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Packet $4.25
5g $9.00 |
25g $28.00 |
(12,300 seeds/25g) |
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CULVER'S ROOT Veronicastrum virginicum Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 90 - 120 cm (3 - 4 ft) Bloom Time: Late July Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: MB, ON, QC, NS Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, bumble bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, long horned bees, green sweat bees, syrphid flies, tachinid flies, wasps, soldier beetles
Description: This rare and beautiful plant is crowned with slender, white spikes of flowers - Great with Meadow Blazing Star and tall grasses - Use in masses or as an accent – Deer and rabbit resistant. Good for bees.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $11.00 |
25g $33.00 |
(670,000 seeds/25g) |
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EARLY BLUE VIOLET Viola adunca Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 5 - 10 cm (0.2 - 0.3 ft) Bloom Time: May to June Colour: Violet Spacing: 15 cm (0.5 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS, YT, NWT, NU
Description: A nice little plant that reseeds easily - Violets are hosts for Fritillary butterfly caterpillars.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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CROWFOOT VIOLET Viola pedatifida Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 10 - 20 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: Violet Spacing: 15 cm Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB, ON Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, flower flies, butterflies, skippers
Description: This showy little violet is a host for Fritillary butterfly caterpillars. The leaves are divided like a crow's foot. Great for rock gardens.
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Sizes & Prices
4.5" pots
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 |
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HEARTLEAF ALEXANDER Zizia aptera Sun: Full Sun Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 30 - 60 cm (1 - 2 ft) Bloom Time: June Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC Pollinator Interactions: yellow faced bees, honey bees, mining bees, digger bees, mason bees, bumble bees, sweat bees, butterflies, soldier beetles, syrphid (flower) flies, tachinid flies, fruit flies, grass flies, marsh flies, parasitic flies, shore flies, soldier flies, paper wasps, braconid wasps, yellow jackets, potter wasps, ants
Description: Handsome yellow flowers grouped in flat clusters - Host for Black Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars - Deer resistant.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $7.00 |
25g $21.00 |
100g $63.00 |
(10,600 seeds/25g) |
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GOLDEN ALEXANDER Zizia aurea Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 30 - 60 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: Yellow Spacing: 25 cm Native Range in Canada: MB, ON, QC, NB, NS Pollinator Interactions: mining bees, digger bees, honey bees, yellow faced bees, mason bees, bumble bees, sweat bees, cuckoo bees, leaf cutter bees, butterflies, soldier beetles, leaf beetles, paper wasps, crabronid wasps, ichneumonid wasps, yellow jackets, potter wasps, syrphid (flower) flies, tachinid flies, parasitic flies, bee flies, blow flies, common saw flies, flesh flies, grass flies, muscid flies, picture winged flies, soldier flies, thick headed flies, dark winged fungus gnats, owlet moths
Description: Showy spring wildflower - A food plant for the beautiful Black Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars. Prefers more moisture than Heartleaf Alexander - Deer resistant.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $8.00 |
25g $25.00 |
100g $74.00 |
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SMOOTH CAMAS Anticlea elegans Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 30 - 60 cm (1 - 2 ft) Bloom Time: June to July Colour: White Spacing: 15 cm (0.5 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, YT, NWT Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, parasitic flies, flower flies, picture winged flies, scathophagid flies, soldier flies
Description: Elegant white flower spikes and grassy leaves - All parts of the plant are poisonous if eaten. This member of the lily family is a good companion for Red Lilies - Deer resistant. Also known as mountain death camas, elegant camas.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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SILVERWEED Argentina anserina Sun: Full Sun or Shade Moisture: Dry to Wet Height: 5 - 15 cm (0.2 - 0.5 ft) Bloom Time: June to August Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT Description: A low, fast growing groundcover that spreads by runners like strawberries. Very adaptable plant for difficult areas with dry to wet soil. Great for erosion control.
Sizes & Prices |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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