
Laura Reeves' Guide to Useful Plants:
From Acorns to Zoomsticks

A fantastic book by botanist Laura Reeves. It is full of great information about herbaceous plants, mushrooms and woody plants, including both native and introduced species. This book has many recipes, tips and beautiful pictures with explanations of how to use plants that can be gathered locally for food and medicine.  


Manitoba Butterflies: A Field Guide

It covers 101 butterflies with over 1,100 photographs. The egg, larva, pupa & adult of all 101 species are shown, helping you to identify whatever you may find in the field or your backyard.


Naturescape Manitoba

An excellent book! Discover the beauty of southern Manitoba's native plants and the birds, butterflies and other wildlife they attract.

This book will help you landscape your yard with nature in mind.




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Prairie Originals - Native Prairie Plants and Seeds
Box 25, Grp. 310, RR 3, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada R1A 2A8
Phone 204-785-9799   Email