Butterfly Garden
For medium to moist soil in full sun
This garden has host plants for 4 kinds of butterfly caterpillars & lots of nectar plants for adult butterflies. There are blooms from spring until fall. Grasses give a prairie feel to the garden, provide a lush green backdrop for flowers & fall interest & colour. Grasses are also host plants for skippers.
Contains: 2 Northern Bog Violet 3 Heartleaf Alexander 3 Pearly Everlasting 3 Black Eyed Susan 5 Swamp Milkweed 4 Wild Bergamot 2 Joe Pye 2 New England Aster 6 Little Bluestem
30 Plants in 4.5" pots .........................$200.00 Covers 3 sq. metres, Approx. 2.5m x 1.2m (36 sq.feet, Approx. 9 ft x 4 ft) 65 Plants in 1 tray of plugs .................$140.00 5 plugs/variety except 10 Wild Bergamot & Milkweed & 15 Little Bluestem Covers 7sq. metres, Approx. 3.9m x 1.8m (78 sq. ft, Approx. 13 ft x 6 ft)
Pollinator Garden
For medium to moist soil in full sun
A diversity of native plants and bloom times helps support the greatest variety and abundance of pollinators. These are great for native bees – we have hundreds of kinds of native bees in the prairies.
Contains: 4 Heartleaf Alexander 2 Giant Hyssop 4 Gaillardia 5 Purple Prairie Clover 2 Culver’s Root 1 Joe Pye 5 Showy Goldenrod 3 Smooth Aster 4 Little Bluestem 30 Plants in 4.5" pots ............................$200.00 Covers 3.25 sq. metres, Approx. 2.75m x 1.25m (40 sq. ft, Approx. 10 ft x 4 ft)
65 Plants in 1 tray of plugs......................$140.00 5 plugs/variety except 10 Heartleaf Alexander, Gaillardia, Purple Prairie Clover & Showy Goldenrod Covers 7sq. metres, Approx. 3.9m x 1.8m (78 sq. ft, Approx. 13 ft x 6 ft)
Garden for the Birds
For medium to moist soil in full sun These plants provide lots of food, nectar & shelter for birds such as goldfinches & hummingbirds. In addition you get beautiful flowers throughout the season. Your garden becomes a birdfeeder in summer & fall as the seeds ripen.
Contains: 3 Wild Columbine 2 Giant Hyssop 1 False Sunflower 4 Wild Bergamot 3 Purple Prairie Clover 2 Narrowleaf Sunflower 2 Stiff Goldenrod 2 Smooth Aster 1 New England Aster 2 Little Bluestem 4 Switchgrass 4 Sorghastrum 30 Plants in 4.5" pots ............................$200.00 Covers 3.25 sq. metres, Approx. 2.75m x 1.25m (40 sq. ft, Approx. 10 ft x 4 ft) 65 Plants in 1 tray of plugs......................$140.00 5 plugs/variety except 10 Wild Bergamot Covers 7sq. metres, Approx. 3.9m x 1.8m (78 sq. ft, Approx. 13 ft x 6 ft)
Lakeshore Buffer Garden
These plants love wet soil. Their roots help hold the soil & prevent shoreline erosion. They also have lots of colourful flowers for birds, bees, butterflies & beauty.
Contains: 3 Marsh Marigold 3 Wild Iris 3 Swamp Milkweed 3 Turtlehead 3 Obedient Plant 3 Joe Pye 4 Sweet Flag 2 Marsh Reed Grass 3 Tufted Hairgrass 3 Tall Manna Grass
30 Plants in 4.5" pots ............................$200.00 Covers 3.75 sq. metres, Approx. 6m x 0.6m (40 sq.ft, Approx. 20 ft x 2 ft)
Deer Won't Eat This Garden
For medium to moist soil in full sun
Flowers and plants don't disappear overnight with this garden! Deer have their special favourites & these are plants they just don't find tasty.
Contains: 3 Three Flowered Avens 3 Heartleaf Alexander 3 Giant Hyssop 2 Yarrow 2 Swamp Milkweed 3 Wild Bergamot 3 Culver’s Root 2 Stiff Goldenrod 2 New England Aster 5 Little Bluestem 2 Big Bluestem 30 Plants in 4.5" pots ............................$200.00 Covers 3.75 sq. metres, Approx. 3m x 1.2m (40 sq.ft, Approx. 10 ft x 4 ft) 65 Plants in 1 tray of plugs......................$140.00 5 plugs/variety except 10 Wild Bergamot & Little Bluestem Covers 6.7 sq. metres, Approx. 3.7m x 1.8m (72 sq. ft, Approx. 12 ft x 6 ft)
Seasonally Flooded Garden
These tough and beautiful plants can handle seasonal flooding as well as the dry times in between.
They have colourful flowers all season and airy grasses.
Contains: 3 Golden Alexander 3 Blue Vervain 3 Swamp Milkweed 1 Joe Pye 3 Narrowleaf Sunflower 1 Flat Top Goldenrod 3 Culver’s Root 2 Ironweed 2 New England Aster 6 Tufted Hairgrass 3 Switchgrass 30 Plants in 4.5" pots ............................$200.00 Covers 4.2 sq. metres, Approx. 2.75m x 1.5m (45 sq.ft, Approx. 9 ft x 5 ft)