Wildflowers for Dry to Medium soil

These soils are very well drained and include sand, gravel, loam and rock. They never have standing water and rainfall drains away easily.


YARROW Achillea millefolium

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 - 90 cm (1 - 3 ft)
Bloom Time: June to August
Colour: White
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT, NU
Pollinator Interactions: skippers, butterflies, miner bees, digger bees, bumble bees, honey bees, cuckoo bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, bee flies, blow flies, flesh flies, flower flies, grass flies, muscid flies, parasitic flies, root maggot flies, soldier flies, thick headed flies, checkered beetles, crabronid wasps, yellow jackets, potter wasps 

Description: Flat clusters of flowers with fragrant, ferny leaves - Fast-growing and drought tolerant - Spreads by roots and seed, so useful for difficult areas - Deer and rabbit resistant.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $12.00  25g $36.00  
(150,000 seeds/25g)  

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PINK ONION Allium stellatum

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Moist
Height: 15 -30 cm (0.5 - 1 ft)
Bloom Time: August
Colour: Pink
Spacing: 15 cm (0.5 ft)
Native Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, leaf cutter bees, small resin bees, sweat bees, bumble bees, honey bees, cellophane bees, syrphid (flower) flies, soldier beetles, tumbling flower beetles 

Description: Pretty, ball shaped clusters of pink flowers - Fine textured onion type leaves can be used for flavouring - Great for prairie meadows - Reseeds easily. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
(9,500 seeds/25g)  Seed Sold Out for 2025.

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PUSSY TOES Antennaria parvifolia

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 5 -15 cm (0.2 - 0.5 ft)
Bloom Time: May
Colour: White
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON

Description: Small, silvery leaves form a very low groundcover - The flowers are in cat paw clusters - Host for American Lady butterfly caterpillars.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25  

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PASTURE SAGE Artemisia frigida

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 - 50 cm (1 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: August
Colour: Yellow
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, YT, NWT

Description: Feathery, silver-grey leaves contrast nicely with other plants - Has a distinct sage fragrance - Can use in stuffing for poultry, fish or game or with rice. Deer and rabbit resistant – Tolerates drier soil than Prairie Sage – Does not spread by roots.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
(178,000 seeds/25g)  Seed in packet size only in 2025.

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PRAIRIE SAGE Artemisia ludoviciana

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 -50 (1 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: August
Colour: Yellow
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NWT

Description: Silver, lance shaped leaves - Spreads quickly by roots - Very drought tolerant - Host for American Lady butterfly caterpillars - Deer and rabbit resistant. Used for smudging.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  

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WHORLED MILKWEED Asclepias verticillata

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: July
Colour: White
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, bees, wasps, flies

Description: Milkweeds are the only plants that Monarch butterfly caterpillars feed on- Fine textured leaves - Spreads by roots but doesn't crowd out other plants because foliage is very fine - Very fragrant - Deer and rabbit resistant. Good for many pollinators including bees and butterflies. Spreads by roots but does not crowd other plants.

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $17.00 25g $58.00 100g $175.00

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HAREBELL Campanula rotundifolia

Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: July
Colour: Purple
Spacing: 15 cm (0.5 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT, NU
Pollinator Interactions: leaf cutter bees, digger bees, green sweat bees, small carpenter bees, sweat bees, mason bees, long horned bees, bumble bees, honey bees, yellow faced bees, skippers, flower flies, muscid flies, shore flies, hummingbirds

Description: Graceful, delicate looking plant with bell-shaped flowers that nod on slender stems - Often produces many flowers per plant - Drought tolerant - Looks great with Avens, Whorled Milkweed, and Little Bluestem – Deer resistant.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $30.00    
 (800,000 seeds/25g)  

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Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: July
Colour: White
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, butterflies, skippers, sphinx moths, hawk moths, flower flies, blow flies, parasitic flies, thick headed flies, crabronid wasps

Description: Fragrant flowers are similar to purple prairie clover - More common in drier areas - Birds and butterflies come for seed and nectar - Good for fresh and dry bouquets - A legume. Excellent for pollinators.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $9.00 25g $26.00 100g $77.00
(17,000 seeds/25g)  

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Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: July
Colour: Purple
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, skippers, cellophane bees, green sweat bees, bumble bees, leaf cutter bees, cuckoo bees, honey bees, miner bees, digger bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, syrphid (flower) flies, bee flies, flesh flies, thick-headed flies, blister beetles, leaf beetles, soldier beetles, crabronid wasps, yellow jacket, potter wasps

Description: The glowing purple colour, bright orange pollen and unusual flower shape make this a favourite - Provides nectar for butterflies and seed for birds - Excellent for fresh and dry bouquets - A legume. Excellent for pollinators.

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $6.00 25g $17.00 100g $53.00
(13,000 seeds/25g)  

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PURPLE CONEFLOWER Echinacea angustifolia

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 - 45 cm
Bloom Time: July
Colour: Pale Purple/Pink
Spacing: 25 cm
Native Range in Canada: SK, MB
Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, sweat bees, leaf cutter bees, honey bees, mason bees, butterflies, skippers, hummingbirds, bee flies, flower flies, muscid flies, blister beetles, checkered beetles

Description: Roots used medicinally in the past to treat many ailments and boost the immune system - Dry, sandy soil is best - Great cut flower and striking seed heads - Hummingbirds like it - Deer Resistant. Excellent for bees and butterflies.

Sizes & Prices 
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  

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GAILLARDIA Gaillardia aristata

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 - 80 cm (1 - 2.5 ft)
Bloom Time: July
Colour: Yellow with red centre
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, YT, NWT
Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, bumble bees, honey bees, sweat bees, bee flies, owlet moths, skippers

Description: Large, showy, yellow flowers provide a colourful display in midsummer - Fast-growing - Lives 2-4 years - Good cut flower - Reseeds easily – Deer resistant. Good for bees and other pollinators. Also known as: Blanket Flower, Jam-in-the-Middle

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $10.00 25g $30.00 100g $89.00
(15,000 seeds/25g)  

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Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 15 - 40 cm (0.5 - 1.3 ft)
Bloom Time: May to June
Colour: Pink
Spacing: 15 cm (0.5 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, YT, NWT
Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, sweat bees, honey bees, leaf beetles

Description: Excellent ground cover for dry areas - Unusual flowers always draw attention - Feathery pink seedheads sparkle on a dewy morning - Also called Grandfather's Whiskers or Prairie Smoke - Deer resistant.

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $15.00    

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GUMWEED Grindelia squarrosa

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 - 50 cm
Bloom Time: August to September
Colour: Yellow
Spacing: 30 cm
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NWT
Pollinator Interactions: bees

Description: A bushy little plant covered with lots of yellow flowers - Lives 2-3 years but reseeds easily in bare soil - Often seen growing along roadsides - Deer Resistant. Good for bees.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $12.00  25g $37.00
 100g $110.00

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ALUMROOT Heuchera richardsonii

Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade
Moisture: Dry to Moist
Height: 30 - 50 cm (1 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: June
Colour: Beige
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, NWT
Pollinator Interactions: sweat bees, green sweat bees, miner bees, bumble bees, digger bees, honey bees, yellow faced bees, hummingbirds

Description: A versatile plant for sun or part shade and dry to moist soil - The scalloped evergreen leaves form nice clumps - Nice for borders or for mixing in prairies - Deer Resistant.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $25.00  25g $76.00

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DOTTED BLAZING STAR Liatris punctata

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 20 - 30 cm (0.7 - 1 ft)
Bloom Time: August
Colour: Pink
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB
Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, hummingbirds, bumble bees, honey bees, skippers

Description: Many dense spikes of flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Prefers drier areas than the Meadow Blazing Star - Dries well. Deer resistant. Good for many pollinators including bees and butterflies.

Sizes & Prices 
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
 5g $10.00    
(3,900 seeds/25g)  

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WILD FLAX Linum lewisii

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 25 - 50 cm (0.8 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: June to early July
Colour: Pale Blue
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, YT, NWT, NU

Description: Flowers last only a day but new ones open every day for 6 weeks - Everyone loves this plant when they see it - Lives 2-3 years but reseeds easily.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
 5g $30.00  

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WILD BERGAMOT Monarda fistulosa

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Moist
Height: 60 - 90 cm (2 - 3 ft)
Bloom Time: July
Colour: Pink
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NWT
Pollinator Interactions: long horned bees, cuckoo bees, green sweat bees, wool carder bees, small resin bees, leaf cutter bees, sweat bees, honey bees, bumble bees, miner bees, digger bees, mason bees, yellow faced bees, butterflies, skippers, sphinx moths, hawk moths, bee flies, flower flies, thick headed flies, hummingbirds, braconid wasps, soldier beetles, yellow jackets, potter wasps

Description: Large, showy flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds - Spreads to form attractive clumps - Aromatic leaves can be used for tea and seasoning - Deer and rabbit resistant. Excellent for bees. Also known as: Monarda, Bee Balm.

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $18.00  25g $57.00  100g $171.00
(62,000 seeds/25g)  

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UPLAND WHITE ASTER Oligoneuron album

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 20 - 30 cm (0.7 - 1 ft)
Bloom Time: August
Colour: White
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON, QC, NB
Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, honey bees, sweat bees, skippers, shining flower beetles, soldier flies, picture-winged flies, flower flies, flesh flies, minute black scavenger flies, dark winged fungus gnats

Description: Beautiful, low growing aster - Flowers cover the top of the plant, followed by little tan pompoms of seed. - Combines well with Western Silvery Aster - Deer resistant. Asters are an important fall food source for bees.

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $9.00 25g $26.00 100g $77.00
(37,000 seeds/25g)  

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PRAIRIE TURNIP Pediomelum esculentum

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 15 - 30 cm (0.5 - 1 ft)
Bloom Time: June
Colour: Blue/Purple
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: AB ,SK, MB

Description: Produces a tuberous, starchy root - Fuzzy stem, leaves and blue/purple flowers - For dry areas.

Sizes & Prices
4.5" pots
$8.45 10+ $7.70  

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CROCUS Pulsatilla patens

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 15 - 20 cm
Bloom Time: April to May
Colour: Mauve
Spacing: 20 cm
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, YT, NWT
Pollinator Interactions: sweat bees, honey bees, large mining bees, syrphid flies, bee flies

Description: Manitoba's provincial flower - A harbinger of spring - The stems and flowers are furry but the leaves are not - Leaves come out after the flowers - Distinctive, feathery seedheads in May. A good early food source for bees. Also known as: Pasqueflower

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Sizes & Prices 
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
 Seed No seed available in 2025.
Packet $4.25

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PRAIRIE CONEFLOWER Ratibida columnifera

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 - 60 cm (1 - 2 ft)
Bloom Time: July to August
Colour: Yellow
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: miner bees, digger bees, bumble bees, honey bees, skippers, checkered beetles

Description: Produces masses of beautiful golden flowers for six weeks or more - Fast-growing - Lives 2-3 years but reseeds easily - Deer resistant.

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $6.00  25g $18.00 100g $54.00
(37,000 seeds/25g)    

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PRAIRIE ROSE Rosa arkansana

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 20 - 40 cm (0.7 - 1.3 ft)
Bloom Time: June to July
Colour: Pink
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: miner bees, digger bees, bumble bees, honey bees, sweat bees, flower flies, ants

Description: Fragrant pink flowers may fade to white - Spreads by the roots - Round red rose hips, which can be used for jelly and tea - Beautiful orange-red fall colour. Good for bees.

Sizes & Prices 
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  

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BLUE-EYED GRASS Sisyrinchium montanum

Sun: Full Sun to Part Shade
Moisture: Dry to Moist
Height: 15 - 30 cm (0.5 - 1 ft)
Bloom Time: June
Colour: Blue/Purple
Spacing: 15 cm (0.5 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT
Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, flower flies, sweat bees

Description: Loads of star-shaped, bright blue flowers make this plant a showstopper - Not a grass but part of the Iris family - Reseeds easily - Also called Star Grass - Deer Resistant.

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
 Seed Seed in packet size only in 2025.
Packet $4.25

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LOW GOLDENROD Solidago missouriensis

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 - 50 cm (1 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: July to August
Colour: Yellow
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: honey bees, andrena bees, beetles

Description: The earliest blooming goldenrod - Spreads by roots - Lots of nectar for bees and butterflies - For dry, sandy soil - Very drought tolerant. Goldenrods are an important fall food source for bees. Goldenrods DO NOT cause hayfever.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $7.00 25g $19.00 100g $57.00

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STIFF GOLDENROD Oligoneuron rigidum var.rigidum

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Moist
Height: 40 - 75 cm (1.3 - 2.5 ft)
Bloom Time: August
Colour: Yellow
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, skippers, owlet moths, mining bees, leaf cutter bees, yellow faced bees, honey bees, small carpenter bees, long horned bees, sweat bees, green sweat bees, bumble bees, digger bees, cuckoo bees, mason bees, thick headed flies, ichneumonid wasps, blister beetles, leaf beetles, shining flower beetles, soldier beetles, syrphid (flower) flies, bee flies, tachinid flies, blow flies, flesh flies, minute black scavenger flies, muscid flies, parasitic flies, picture winged flies, scathophagid flies, soldier flies, yellow jackets, potter wasps

Description: Butterflies love this beautiful flower for nectar - Birds love the seeds too - Thrives in dry to moist soil - Goldenrods DO NOT cause hayfever - Reseeds easily - Deer and rabbit resistant. Goldenrods are an important fall food source for bees.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $7.00 25g $21.00 100g $64.00
(24,000 seeds/25g)    

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SHOWY GOLDENROD Solidago nemoralis

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 - 50 cm (1 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: August to September
Colour: Yellow
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS
Pollinator Interactions: butterflies, skippers, bumble bees, honey bees, mining bees, digger bees, cuckoo bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, blister beetles, soldier beetles, leaf beetles, brachonid wasps, crabronid wasps, flower flies, fruit flies, minute black scavenger flies, parasitic flies, yellow jackets, potter wasps

Description: Very showy, nodding flowers - Goldenrods are important late season nectar sources for butterflies, bees and other insects. Goldenrods DO NOT cause hayfever.

Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $6.00 25g $18.00 100g $54.00
(169,000 seeds/25g)    

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MANY FLOWERED ASTER Symphyotrichum ericoides

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Moist
Height: 20 - 60 cm (0.7 - 2 ft)
Bloom Time: August to September
Colour: White
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NWT
Pollinator Interactions: miner bees, digger bees, bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, bee flies, flesh flies, flower flies, muscid flies, parasitic flies, leaf beetles, soldier beetles, butterflies, yellow jackets, potter wasps

Description: Masses of tiny flowers cover the branches in late summer - Great with Smooth Aster and Stiff Goldenrod - Reseeds easily - Host for Pearl Crescent butterfly caterpillars. Asters are an important fall food source for bees. Also known as: White Heath Aster

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $6.00 25g $17.00 100g $52.00
(114,000 seeds/25g)    

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SMOOTH ASTER Symphyotrichum laeve

Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade
Moisture: Dry to Moist
Height: 60 - 120 cm (2 - 4 ft)
Bloom Time: August to September
Colour: Purple
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, YT
Pollinator Interactions: miner bees, digger bees, bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, yellow faced bees, butterflies, bee flies, blow flies, flesh flies, flower flies, muscid flies, parasitic flies, thick headed flies, crabronid wasps, yellow jackets, potter wasps, leaf beetles, owlet moths, skippers

Description: Abundant flowers add colour to fall landscapes - Adapts easily to a variety of sites - Food for Pearl Crescent butterfly caterpillars - Reseeds easily. Asters are an important fall food source for bees.

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $9.00    
(31,000 seeds/25g)  

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WESTERN SILVERY ASTER Symphyotrichum sericeum

Sun: Full Sun
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 30 - 50 cm (1 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: August
Colour: Pink/Violet
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, crabronid wasps, flower flies, flesh flies, bee flies, parasitic flies, thick headed flies, skippers

Description: Very pretty, mound forming aster covered with flowers - Soft, grey-green leaves - A rare plant found mainly in Bird's Hill Park. - Drought tolerant. Asters are an important fall food source for bees.

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Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $17.00 25g $52.00  
(15,000 seeds/25g)    

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CROWFOOT VIOLET Viola pedatifida

Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade
Moisture: Dry to Moist
Height: 10 - 20 cm
Bloom Time: June
Colour: Violet
Spacing: 15 cm
Native Range in Canada: AB, SK, MB, ON
Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees, mason bees, sweat bees, flower flies, butterflies, skippers

Description: This showy little violet is a host for Fritillary butterfly Caterpillars. The leaves are divided like a Crow's foot. Great for rock gardens.

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Sizes & Prices 
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  

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LONG FRUITED ANEMONE Anemone cylindrica

Sun: Full Sun or Part Shade
Moisture: Dry to Medium
Height: 15 - 50 cm (0.5 - 1.7 ft)
Bloom Time: June
Colour: Greenish White
Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft)
Native Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC

Description: An interesting plant with long, upright stems that are topped with greenish-white flowers. Deeply cut leaves form a cluster part-way up the stem. Cylindrical seed heads develop once flowering is finished. As the seeds mature the seed heads form clouds of white fluff. The puffy seed heads are the most distinctive and recognizable part of the plant. Also known as: Candle Anemone, Thimbleweed.

Sizes & Prices 
5-pack plugs $12.25 $145/ tray of 65 2 or more trays $135
4.5" pots $8.45 10+ $7.70 ea.  
Packet $4.25
5g $8.00 25g $24.00 100g $71.00

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Prairie Originals - Native Prairie Plants and Seeds
Box 25, Grp. 310, RR 3, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada R1A 2A8
Phone 204-785-9799   Email