WILD COLUMBINE Aquilegia canadensis Sun: Full Sun or Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 45 - 90 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: Red and Yellow Spacing: 30 cm Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON, QC, NB Pollinator Interactions: hummingbirds, bumble bees, sweat bees, honey bees, owlet moths, skippers, sphinx moths, hawk moths
Description: Hummingbirds like to visit this unusual flower for nectar - Has a yellow inner flower and an elegantly spurred red outer flower - Short lived but reseeds easily.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed Seed Sold Out for 2025.
Packet $4.25
(34,000 seeds/25g) |
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SARSAPARILLA Aralia nudicaulis Sun: Part Shade or Shade Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 15 - 50 cm (0.5 - 1.7 ft) Bloom Time: June Colour: Greenish White Spacing: 30 cm (12 in / 1 ft) Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT
Description: An attractive taller groundcover for woodland areas - Mainly a foliage plant as flowers and round clusters of navy blue berries hide under the leaves - Lovely orange fall colour - Spreads by rope-like roots. Native all across Canada and the northern U.S. - The roots were used to make root beer and can be made into tea.
Sizes & Prices |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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WILD GINGER Asarum canadense Sun: Part Shade or Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 10 - 15 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: Reddish-Brown Spacing: 30 cm Range in Canada: MB, ON, QC, NB Pollinator Interactions: ants
Description: A beautiful groundcover with velvety looking leaves - Unusual flowers hide under the leaves - Rare in Manitoba - Deer resistant.
Sizes & Prices |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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SWEET SCENTED BEDSTRAW Galium triflorum Sun: Part Shade or Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 15 - 20 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT, NU
Description: A great groundcover for moist shade - Has trailing, well branched stems - Flowers are not noticeable - A fine textured plant with small light green leaves.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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TOUCH ME NOT Impatiens biflora Sun: Part Shade or Shade Moisture: Moist to Wet Height: 60 - 120 cm (2 - 4 ft) Bloom Time: July to August Colour: Orange Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT Pollinator Interactions: hummingbirds, bees
Description: A lush looking plant with many delightful little orange flowers - A fastgrowing annual that reseeds prolifically on moist soil - Hummingbirds love it. Also known as jewelweed. Deer resistant.
Sizes & Prices Not Available for Pre-order
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Pots ready in mid-late June |
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OSTRICH FERN Matteuccia struthiopteris Sun: Part Shade or Shade Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 60 - 90 cm Bloom Time: N/A Colour: N/A Spacing: 60 - 90 cm Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT
Description: These fiddlehead ferns spread slowly by the roots and provide lush, green foliage - They do best in moist to wet soil .
Sizes & Prices |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
1 Gal pots |
$12.25 |
10+ $11.15 ea. |
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TALL BLUEBELLS Mertensia paniculata Sun: Part Shade or Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 30 - 60 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: Blue Spacing: 30 cm Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, YT, NWT Pollinator Interactions: hummingbirds, moths, bees
Description: Clusters of pink buds turn blue as the flowers open - A beautiful plant that reseeds easily - Hummingbird Clearwing Moths visit for nectar.
Inquire about availability.
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SOLOMON'S SEAL Polygonatum biflorum Sun: Part Shade or Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 45 - 90 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: White Spacing: 25 cm Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON, QC Pollinator Interactions: small carpenter bees, sweat bees, digger bees, green sweat bees, bumble bees
Description: Little bunches of cylindric flowers are suspended from elegant, arching stems - Navy blue berries - Spreads slowy and lives a long time.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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TALL CONEFLOWER Rudbeckia laciniata Sun: Sun or Part Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 100 - 200 cm Bloom Time: Late July to August Colour: Yellow Spacing: 30 - 60 cm Range in Canada: BC, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS
Description: A striking plant because it grows up to 2 metres tall (6 feet) where moisture is good - Spreads by roots - Host for Silver Checkerspot butterfly caterpillars.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $11.00 |
25g $35.00 |
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STAR FLOWERED SOLOMON'S SEAL Smilacina stellata Sun: Sun or Shade Moisture: Dry to Moist Height: 20 - 50 cm (0.7 - 1.7 ft) Bloom Time: June Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm (1 ft) Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, NL, YT, NWT
Description: Clusters of starry flowers at tips of graceful, curving stems - Spreads vigorously to form a dense groundcover - Lives a long time - Also called False Solomon's Seal - Tolerates dry shade. Spreads faster and more prolifically than Solomon’s Seal.
Download Fact Sheet PDF
Sizes & Prices |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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DOWNY YELLOW VIOLET Viola pubescens Sun: Part Shade or Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 15 - 30 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: Yellow Spacing: 25 cm Range in Canada: SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS Pollinator Interactions: small carpenter bees, sweat bees
Description: Large, heart shaped leaves - Grows as a clump but spreads by reseeding easily in moist soil - Adds colour to spring shade gardens.
Sizes & Prices
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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WESTERN CANADA VIOLET Viola canadensis Sun: Part Shade or Shade Moisture: Medium to Moist Height: 20 - 40 cm Bloom Time: June Colour: White Spacing: 30 cm Range in Canada: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS, YT, NWT
Description: The longest flowering and most common violet of shady woodlands on the prairies - Spreads a lot by roots and seed for a thick groundcover - For moist or dry shade.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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OBEDIENT PLANT Physostegia virginiana Sun: Full Sun or Shade Moisture: Moist to Wet Height: 60 - 90 cm Bloom Time: August Colour: Pink Spacing: 60 - 90 cm Range in Canada: MB, ON, QC, NB, NS Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, sweat bees, green sweat bees, yellow faced bees, hummingbirds, butterflies
Description: Spreads quickly by roots - Dense groundcover for areas that are too wet to mow - Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds for nectar - Longblooming – Deer resistant.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
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TURTLEHEAD Chelone glabra Sun: Full Sun or Shade Moisture: Medium to Wet Height: 60 - 90 cm Bloom Time: August Colour: White Spacing: 30 - 60 cm Range in Canada: MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, NS, Newfoundland Pollinator Interactions: bumble bees, hummingbirds, long horned bees
Description: A rare, native snapdragon - Squeeze the flower and the turtle opens its mouth - Only host for Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly caterpillars - Deer resistant. Very interesting to watch bees crawl into the turtle’s mouth in search of food.
Sizes & Prices |
5-pack plugs |
$12.25 |
$145/ tray of 65 |
2 or more trays $135 |
4.5" pots |
$8.45 |
10+ $7.70 ea. |
Seed |
Packet $4.25
5g $10.00 |
(82,000 seeds/25g) |
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