Prairie Originals  
Giant Hyssop, Yarrow & Black Eyed Susan
Giant Hyssop, Yarrow & Black Eyed Susan

Yellow Coneflower & Purple Coneflower
Yellow Coneflower & Purple Coneflower

Gaillardia & Giant Hyssop
Gaillardia & Giant Hyssop

Container Growing Area
Container Growing Area

Container Growing Area
Container Growing Area

Container Growing Area
Container Growing Area

Stockbeds & Container Growing Area
Stockbeds & Container Growing Area

Aboriginal Centre at U of M
Aboriginal Centre at U of M

Aboriginal Centre at U of M
Aboriginal Centre at U of M

Buffalo rubbing stone at Old Man On His Back Prairie, S.W. Saskatchewan
Buffalo rubbing stone at Old Man On His Back Prairie, S.W. Saskatchewan

Buffalo rubbing stone at Old Man On His Back Prairie, S.W. Saskatchewan
Buffalo rubbing stone at Old Man On His Back Prairie, S.W. Saskatchewan

Sitting Area in late June
Sitting Area in late June

Harebell by Sitting Area
Harebell by Sitting Area

Sitting Area with Red Lily
Sitting Area with Red Lily

Three Flowered Avens, Pussy Toes 
& Blue Eyed Grass
Three Flowered Avens, Pussy Toes
& Blue Eyed Grass

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